
Monday, August 22, 2011

Our Workbox Set Up Using Recycled Boxes

I got to set up workboxes for our homeschool just in time for the start of our kindergarten year. I didn't have any plastic boxes and husband doesn't want me spending any more money for a while (I've been on quite the shopping the past month getting ready for school!) so I used old shipping boxes I've been saving. They really came in handy!

I didn't want ugly boxes though so we decoupaged/glued magazine and old calendar pictures to the outside of three of them. I used a whole thing of stick glue and the mod podge was making the papers bubbly so I decided to just tape on construction paper to the remaining boxes.

I added a pocket to the front of each box by taping a small piece of construction paper on three sides that is just big enough for our cards to fit in. Instead of using numbered 1-12 cards I used 12 cards with a famous person from history on them. This gives the boxes a small added educational value.

To make the cards I used unlined index cards cut in half and glued a small picture of our famous people onto each card. The people I chose are: George Washington, Cleopatra, Mahatma Gandhi, Leonardo Da Vinci, Anne Frank, Sitting Bull, Dante Alighieri, Albert Einstein, Moses, Hokusai, Confucius, and Martin Luther King Jr. I may add a few quick facts to the backs of them later.

When N is done with a box he moves the card over to a pocket chart I made in a similar way using a piece of cardstock as the background and construction paper pockets taped on. When all the people are on the chart our homeschooling for the day is finished.

I would like to cut the top flaps off of each box to make them go on and off the shelves easier, so that is something I still need to do. I may also label each of the pockets on the chart with the location of the homeland of each famous person so when N is done he has to put them each back in their "home".

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