
Sunday, July 25, 2010

America Unit Theme Ideas Preschool-Kindergarten

This is an American themed week long unit I've done with my homeschooled 5 year old son with ideas suitable to Preschool to Kindergarten ages but some of the ideas would work well for older kids too. Every day we said the Pledge of Alliegance and talked about the timeline we made on day one.

Day 1: Getting Ready USA
Patriotic Star Art:
Art, Scissor skills, Social Studies (teaches the colors of America)
String of Stars Craft:
Art, Social Studies (teaches the colors of America)
We made a timeline of the important events in American history. This project took a good bit of time to complete.
USA Map Puzzle:
We already had a map of America puzzle on hand so we used it. It is a good way to teach children what state they live in and that America is a country with 50 different states.

USA Bingo:
This was one of my son's favorite activities we did and we played it multiple times on multiple days. It helped familiarize him with lots of American things as he had to name them when he pulled the bingo piece and find them on his card. Follow the options on the link to make your own USA bingo cards (use the Fourth of July theme).

Coloring Pages:
Recommended books:

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